Ensuring the Rights of Study Participants: Resource Documents for Philanthropic Organizations
DownloadWhat does it really mean to treat evaluation study participants fairly, equitably and with the utmost respect? For foundation staff without deep research backgrounds, it is vital to understand whether evaluators are taking appropriate steps to protect the participants in their work. Does every study require an Institutional Review Board (IRB) process? When is the process not necessary? With generous support from the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, Informing Change has developed Resource Documents and an accompanying Training Toolkit for philanthropic organizations to address these issues. Relevant for foundation staff responsible for evaluation and research studies, these go-to resources provide easy-to-follow decision trees, guidelines and interactive training activities for spotting potential issues to consider in order to ensure ethically sound evaluations.
Ensuring the Rights of Study Participants: Resource Documents for Philanthropic Organizations
Ensuring the Rights of Study Participants: Training Toolkit for Philanthropic Organizations
Ensuring the Rights of Study Participants: PowerPoint Presentation