On behalf of the Jim Joseph Foundation, Informing Change collaborated with Rosov Consulting to conduct a body of research around teen education programs, identifying leading efforts inside and outside of the Jewish world that are engaging young people in experiences that are relevant, meaningful and ongoing. Twenty-one programs were chosen for inclusion in a scan of programs, including eight Jewish programs for teens and two for young adults, ages 20–40, along with eleven secular and other faith-based programs for teens and young adults.
This report offers 10 overarching observations and key themes that emerged from the scan, as well as from consultations and convenings with both teens and leading innovators inside and outside the Jewish world. A set of 21 in-depth summaries of programs included in the scan accompanies the report, which highlight each program’s background information and key activities, along with some noteworthy characteristics and qualities to be considered when designing or implementing programs for teens and youth.