Equity means everyone having equal and just access to resources and opportunities that provide them the ability to succeed and thrive. Our commitment to this pursuit is manifested in how we decide what clients and projects to pursue to our company culture and hiring practices.
The full value of our work is realized when we facilitate our clients’ efforts to meaningfully transform the communities in which they operate. To that end, we:
- Believe all individuals and communities should have ownership and access to the skills, tools, and processes required to define, assess, build, and strengthen their well-being.
- Are committed to gathering information and insights with methods that truly represent the community or communities being served.
- Acknowledge and actively challenge systems and structural biases built up through centuries of power imbalance, inequity, and discrimination that have traditionally determined who has a seat at the table and what is accepted as credible thought.
- Recognize and value the ways multiple identities intersect in contextually unique experiences of oppression and privilege, and how these intersections inform and shape unique individual perspectives.
- Strive to hold duty bearers and those in power accountable.
- Expect those whom we hold to high standards to hold us to the same level of standards.
- Understand reducing and eliminating inequity does not happen overnight and welcome the tough conversations and embrace the difficult questions head-on.
We are a BIPOC-, queer-, female, and immigrant-owned and -led organization. Our staff is diverse and full of skilled and passionate individuals, each with unique strengths, identities, and experiences. Our firm’s foundations for success are built from the inside out with the right people and a philosophy of consistently growing and learning from each other, which bolsters our collective ability to eliminate unconscious biases.
Through these steadfast commitments, Informing Change works daily to support our clients toward achieving unconditional equity and opportunity for their communities.